A Christmas Carol
The classic tale of A Christmas Carol unfolds in a rich tapestry of highly absorbing, theatrical drama featuring sumptuous visual effects inspired by the techniques of early cinema. In a daring twist of format, characters are portrayed by dancers and voiced by an eclectic cast of the world’s most recognisable actors.
”An enthralling and moving experience”
Ellen E Jones, The Guardian, 4 Dec 2020
“There is something quite magical about it. It is marvellously creative”CineChat
”Compelling to watch from start to finish”Emma Clarendon, Love London Love Culture, 30 Nov 2020
Russell Maliphant
Directed, written and produced by
Jacqui Morris and David Morris
Dance Cast
Russell Maliphant
Dana Fouras
Grace Jabbari
Karl Faggerlund Brekke
Mikey Boats
Jakub Franasowicz
Michael Nunn
Acting cast
Simon Russell Beale
Martin Freeman
Carey Mulligan
Daniel Kaluuya
Andy Serkis
Sian Phillips
Leslie Caron